What Information On Your Hunting Plan Can Help Law Enforcement Officials Find You?

Hunting can be a great way to explore nature and relax, but it is important to ensure you are prepared for any emergency. Law enforcement officials can locate you more quickly if you have a plan that includes information about who, what, when, and where. Let’s look at what information should be included in your hunting plan.

Your Full Name and Date of Birth

It is important to include your full name and date of birth in your hunting plan so that law enforcement officials can easily identify you if needed.

Medical Conditions & Allergies

Your hunting plan must include any allergies or medical conditions you have, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc. This could save valuable time if you suffer an allergic reaction or another medical emergency while out hunting. It is also good practice to include details on your medications and their dosages so that first responder can quickly provide the right treatment.

Contact Information for a Family Member or Friend

Including contact information for a family member or friend who knows where you are going hunting can be invaluable if something does happen while out on the hunt. Please provide the contact information for someone close by so they can get to the scene quickly if needed. This will also allow them to provide further details on your whereabouts or equipment used during the hunt.

Detailed Description of Hunting Location

Knowing where you will be hunting down to the street address is essential for law enforcement officials to find you quickly and accurately. Be sure to include GPS coordinates and other relevant details, such as nearby landmarks (rivers, mountains, etc.), in case GPS isn’t available due to poor cell phone reception in remote areas. This will ensure that they can find their way even without having access to your exact location at all times.

Date and Time

You Will Be Hunting In addition to providing a detailed description of your hunting location, you must provide dates and times of when you plan to be there and when you expect to return home. It will give law enforcement officials an idea of how long they have before they start looking for you if anything goes wrong. It will also help them filter out false alarms if someone reports suspicious activity when no one has been reported missing from the area yet.

Equipment Used During Hunt

Finally, it helps law enforcement officials narrow their search if they know what equipment was used during the hunt (binoculars, firearms, etc.). Providing a detailed description of these items, along with any other relevant information, such as vehicle make and model or license plate number, could prove invaluable should something go wrong while out on the hunt and help speed up any rescue efforts needed afterward.

Take Away

A well-thought-out hunting plan combined with accurate and current information can mean the difference between life and death if something unexpected happens!


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