When Does Hunting Season End?

Keep up-to-date on the latest hunting seasons if you are an avid hunter. Everything you need to know is gathered in one place for your convenience.

 Starting and Ending of Hunting season

The table below shows the season dates for different animals.

Game Animal | Season Dates

Deer | October 1 – January 31

Elk | September 1 – November 30

Bear | August 25 – November 30

Rabbit | September 1 – February 28/29

Squirrel | September 1 – February 28/29

Grouse | September 15 – December 31

The Right Time to Hunt Big Game

As an avid hunter, you know that timing is everything. When your target animal is most active, you need to plan your hunt accordingly. This is particularly true for the big game, which can be difficult to find and track.

Whitetail Deer Hunting Season End

The hunting season for whitetail deer varies depending on the state you’re hunting in but generally falls between October and December. That said, different deer hunts occur outside of this timeframe in some states. For example, in Texas, the general deer hunting season runs from November through January, the archery season runs from September through January, and the muzzleloader season runs from October through January.

Mule Deer Hunting Season End

Mule deer are closely related to white-tailed deer, and their hunting seasons are similar. In most states, the mule deer hunting season falls between October and December, with additional hunts occurring outside of this timeframe in some states.

Elk Hunting Season End

Elk are one of North America’s largest species of big game animals, making them a popular target for hunters. The elk hunting season generally falls between September and November in most states. However, as with whitetail deer and mule deer, additional hunts occur outside of this timeframe in some states. For example, Arizona’s general elk season runs from October through December, its archery season runs from August through September, and its muzzleloader season runs from September through October.

Moose Hunting Season End

Moose are the largest big game animal species in North America, making them a coveted trophy for many hunters. The moose hunting season generally falls between September and November in most states. However, as with other big game animals, additional hunts occur outside of this timeframe in some states. For example, Maine’s general moose season runs from September through October, its archery season runs from September through October, and its muzzleloader season runs from September through October.

Bear Hunting Season End

Bear hunting is a popular sport among hunters across North America. The bear hunting seasons vary depending on the state you’re hunting, but generally fall between August and November. That said, different bear hunts occur outside of this timeframe in some states.

Knowing when big game animals will be most active is key to planning a successful hunt. Depending on the animal you’re targeting, the best time to hunt is between August and December. However, it’s important to check the regulations in your state or province, as additional hunts may occur outside of this time frame. With a little planning, you’ll be able to head out into the woods at just the right time to bag that trophy animal you’ve been dreaming about.

When to End the hunt

It depends on the state where you plan to hunt. In this part of the blog post, we will give you an overview of the deer hunting season in Florida, Georgia, and Maine.


In Florida, deer hunting season runs from early October through late January. The specific dates depend on the county in which you plan to hunt.


In Georgia, deer hunting season for most areas runs from mid-September through early January. However, there are some exceptions for wildlife management areas.


In Maine, deer hunting season runs from late October through early December. The exact dates depend on the zone in which you plan to hunt.

Take Away:

Now that you know the different hunting seasons in the USA, what are you waiting for? Go get your gear and head on out into nature! The season of your choice can be enjoyed if you plan in advance and ensure you participate. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next hunt today.

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